Wednesday, December 29, 2010

"people has become less thinking" - a youtube comment

Pink dresses up as Rosie the Riveter in her latest music video. You'd think at least feminist iconography wouldn't be reappropriated by men.

"This must be what it's like to have angry sex" - Hosford after seeing footage of a 90s live performance of Tubular Bells

Bombers says:
-Twilight is an awful porno
-i'm like, "when are they going to get naked?" and they never do

At Bligh's party the suggestion of an Air album being played was thrown around. Hosford suggested putting on one of their ambient albums. " 'This is so good', 'there's another note in 20 minutes'." Bligh added, "I love this note! B sharp."

Hosford's brother Hosford made up a music quiz that we participated in jovially. One of the questions was "What is the best album of 2010?" (Odd Blood is the correct answer.) Hosford was having trouble deciding which was, so Hosford the Lesser passed Hosford the Fatter a note written on the back of a piece of card with Simpsons stickers on it. He'd written down his suggestion for best album of 2010, Post Paint.

Hosford wrote down the famed supergroup "Homer, Homer, Itchy, Scratchy, Homer, Krusty and Homer".

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ryan Reynolds in a box

What do Ryan Reynolds and a box have in common?
Their rectangular shape

What do you get when you put Ryan Reynolds in a box?
A box crusher

What's the difference between Ryan Reynolds and a box?
Their molecular structure

Why did Ryan Reynolds get into the box?
He wanted a pizza place

Friday, November 26, 2010

"Kevin Costner scored the second try for the Titans" - Ray Warren

For some reason Ray "Rabs" Warren kept referring to Clinton Toopi as Kevin Costner, which makes no sense because one's a capable athlete and the other is Clinton Toopi.

We were watching Yeasayer's Rage guest special and Hosford skipped through a few videos and pressed play right as Chris Keating said "fondled". Watching the clip in context didn't make much more sense.

I read this review of Keanu Reeves' acting on Youtube:
"he always looks crazy and says dumb stuff."

-when margaret and david review wall street 2
-when it comes time to give stars
-they should cross to tom piotrowski
-and he'll go "wall street is down 3 points today"

After seeing The Core I said to my sister "Yesterday I saw a movie where Two Face played a trumpet and saved the world."

She responded "was it...a jazz movie?"

One of the trivia questions asked was "What name did Samuel Clemens find fame under?"

I wrote "David Bowie".

Another was about the tallest mountain in New Zealand or probably not, it was like months ago, I don't remember. I wrote down "Mt. Mehard".

Man charged with sexual assault on train

I didn't know you could assault a transportation.

Walk the Nile says:
- i actually had someone tell me they were disappointed in me and i totally expected them to say "son i am disappoint" and they didnt
- so i was like "son
- i am disappoint"

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Aaron Eckhart playing a trumpet

"All he ever posts about is music, trumpet trumpet trumpet, why doesn't he marry the friggin' trumpet" - my sister on someone who isn't Aaron Eckhart

"I'm surprisingly aroused by that" - Paul Reiser

"They're diamonds!" - Stanley Tucci

I got new shoes, and as I was putting them on a character on TV said "I see you got new shoes." It was weird.

"Heath Ledger isn't my grandma, Heath Ledger isn't your grandma"

To be honest I do not remember the context for that one at all.

Hosford's Column of Wisdom
| |

Okay, that was a really awful joke. Here's the actual Wisdom:

-some woman was saying "They can strap a bomb to a kid just as easy as an adult"
-and I had 2 thoughts
-1. random
-2. how do you strap an adult to a kid?

This shows how long I've gone without posting. I have a quote about "showing a raiders player in a compromising position with a dog". Didn't that happen like in March?

"I'm surprisingly aroused by that" - Paul Reiser

"Was that John Wetton?" was typoed in an MSN conversation as "Wax that John Wetton". I would not like to wax John Wetton.

A Recount of Drunkenness:
-i was randomly saying shit to you on the beach
-and you were flipping me off
-and then were like "YOU'RE GAVIN HARRISON" really aggressively
-and without adding anything to it

"I'm surprisingly aroused by that" - Paul Reiser

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"I hate the sky" - Aaron Eckhart


hosford: bah
hosford: 30 seconds to mars Closer to the Edge
hosford: yeah thats the hallmark of a prog band, regressively homaging past prog bands
nazza: "close to the edge? fuck that, we're closer!"
hosfird: what are you dream theater
nazza: we should name a song "So Close to the Edge That We're Practically The Edge Itself"
nazza: the music will be repetitive looped guitar chiming

(I'd like to point out 3StM is not a prog band, or indeed a band. It's not even an acronym really, just a bunch of letters and a number thrown together. Also, 30 Seconds to Mars sucks.)

Here's a great headline:
Stones song inspires Adam Ant Rant at Church Gig

Here's another one:
Naked date 'locked in closet'

That one's about Charlie Sheen. He went all Bob Geldof (or for you hip young Muse fans, Justin Theroux) on a hotel room. He was naked while he did so. It was post-traumatic stress disorder; he kept getting flashbacks of Vietnam.

"I'm surprisingly aroused by that" - Paul Reiser

hos: i was listening to marquee moon on the iriver today
hos: the drumming's insane
hos: it's all really hard entirely from a rudiment point of view, rhythms and syncopations and other things sam can't do
hos: as opposed to my usual problem which is a song being too skillful or speedy
naz: ahah
naz: "other things sam cant do"
naz: is a nebulous concept the size of the universe itself
hos: yeah
hos: and expanding faster

Saturday, September 25, 2010

99 Luftposts

I found the greatest website ever made, by Tyler Fox.
The document contains no data.

Trivia Bob played a Muse song as one of the music trivia questions. Hosford air-drummed frenetically and got laughed at by two separate groups at pleasingly symmetrical angles.

Tom said he saw American Psycho on the weekend and I asked him if afterward he slept with Reese Witherspoon and Chloe Sevigny.

Here are amusing headlines:
Cop resigns after seeing midget porn show
Road workers paint over hedgehog
"No remorse" for spatula attack

This particular one is so awesome I needed to separate it from the rest:

Bear forced to ride motorbike on highwire

"I'm surprisingly aroused by that" - Paul Reiser

I saw JimM at bar trivia. He snuck up behind me and gave me a bear hug. I made a joke about a rape whistle. He then started drawing an animal; we guessed it was a pleisiosaur, a turtle and a The Loch Ness Monster but it turned out it was a lapras.

This quote was in a news article I have fortunately forgotten:

"[Tony Abbott] was especially enamoured with her earlier performance of All The Lovers, which featured 25 dancers undressing and gyrating around a wedding cake-shaped set."

Flying on a Blue Dream says: do you know where the croatian club is?
morgan says: no I don't but I've heard about it
morgan says: go to the polish centre
morgan says: close enough
morgan says: LOL

Saturday, August 7, 2010

"I call it hindu banjo" - Paul Hester

"I have American smells like Monopoly money" - intrepid Australian Columbus Hosford (did Columbus have a sidekick with red hair and a triangular face?)

(Also, I hope their trip didn't bring syphilis back to the New World)

This headline is so insane I didn't click through the article, because I knew it wouldn't be as awesome as the image in my head: Tycoon jailed for clinging onto helicopter


Triathlete chomped by gator

I've waited my whole life to see the word "chomp" used in a headline.

Naked Cowboy threatens Naked Cowgirl

Clearly he realised he'd be bankrupt by the end of the week.

Model arrested for 'letting teen boys grope her'

Best. Model. Ever.

I pointed out to Tom that Christian Bale in the movie Reign of Fire looked exactly like him.

RJ said, "That can't be true. Christian Bale is hot."

naz: remember that time your dad started laughing at midget ice skating or something
morgan: OH
the paralympics
midget weightlifting
and he only laughed when he couldn't lift the weight