Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"International Standards Organisation is a standards organisation"

Nazza: When are you going to post on your brick?
Chris: 12th of Never sound good?
Nazza: No, no it doesn't.
Nazza: unless Never magically appears on my calendar
Nazza: hmm, there's an idea.
Nazza: brb (fixing my calendar)

Time Passes...

Nazza: ok I'm back, I just remembered I don't have a calendar

"If sentences were art, that sentence would be an artwork."

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"Youtube is...well it's Youtube"

This is the post with the burden of following my hit magnus opum. I'd better make sure to put everything in its right place, and I'll wish you were here while I sail the topographic oceans.

"Greg Lake has no need to be a prostitute" - Jenny

What We Learn in Media Production:

"Timbre is what makes the instrument unique. Trumpet sounds harsh and brassy, oboe sounds reedy, piano sounds like a harp being beaten with hammers"

"Horse hair on cat gut! Winning combination"

What We Learn in Foundations of IT:

Whoever sets the class tasks is a huge 80s fan. Also, Dean Pung likes Youtube.

Friday, March 7, 2008

A Three Act Play (or, Why I Should Go to Bed by Midnight)


Nazza says: how would you like us to be more exciting?
Nazza says: *dances wildly!*
Nazza says: maybe you would like us to perform a 3-act play

Act 1: Wherein He Was Born

Prosthesis: Lo! For I am here.
Bosfoppo: I am here also.
Prosthesis: We are russian.

Act ZWEI: Untitled (aka This is the Title of Act 2)

Vladimir: Let's slaughter the peeps.
Henchman: Why did my mother call me henchman?

Act III: Boy is This Play Short

Little Chris: *dies*
The Fuzz: Oh no! We have killed our prince.
Johnbob: He was fat anyway.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

"Why would Tom be sitting?" "Because he's not standing"

According to the beauty-related shop that writes proverbs on its outside blackboard (typically used for advertising), "The heart is happiest when it beats others." I know my heart was over the moon after that gangbashing.

After covering Come Together, Hosford said of the guy performing (solo guitar) "If only Mark Chapman were here."

He announced a guitar solo, during which we both thought of separate hilarious "guitar solo" jokes.

There is a guy at uni who looks exactly like George Michael of the 90s, right down to the facial hair.

AWESOMENESS! The new Futurama movie is out.

DOUBLE AWESOMENESS! Nine Inch Nails are giving me free music.

I am annoyed that when I had infinite time and money to spare, there were no DVDs worth buying and now there are at least 5. That is a veritable orgy of DVDs. (Not those kind of DVDs, pervert.)

"You do shit with pianos and crap"

Sunday, March 2, 2008

a vicious cycle! of orgasms

A Quick One While He's Away

Spinks: Holy shit! You are the 10th person to talk to me since I logged on.
Nazza: Awesome, do I win a prize?
Spinks: ...No. No you do not.

"Freddie never had a moustache" - Jenny on the alternate universe theory

"Hopefully I'll finish making my Chapman Stick soon" - Hargreaves on the alternate universe theory

"Why the hell do you guys keep talking about me?" - Alternate Universe Theory on PMS

Hosford: Yeah Oyu's great.
Nazza: I haven't told Oyu yet.

Your orange is ready!

Thank you David Santos.

The following is a result of spending too much time on MSN talking to only two people.

"No one in here is going to sleep with Foxtel behind your back"

"You spent until '05 saying 'Dammit remote I command you to tell me what's on' didn't you"

"See I'd freak out if I was just a head"

Jenny: I thought kryptonite made Superman die, not become evil
Hosford: It was some different type of kryptonite
Nazza: Kryptonate
Jenny: Wow you're dorky

"He has a pretty damn huge ugly head" - Nazza on some guy

"I once put quotation marks around Space Oddity for no reason" - Hosford on the TV show "Heroes"

"You are the reason you broke your nose" - Hosford's nose on Andrew Johns

"I did not have sex with a valley" - Nazza on Uncanny Valley

"Who would you rather do, Superman or Spiderman?"
"Superman! Superman!"
"But Superman's faster than a speeding bullet"

Jenny: Are you going to be sensible and become a homosexual yet?
Hosford: Yeah why not, I'll be gay.

"Jamie Farr doesn't need to go the toilet" - Hosford on ad breaks

To quote Dr. Phil
"I'm bald"

"Yin and yang!"
"It's ying isn't it?"
"No you fail at buddhism...which is irrelevant because we're talking about Taoism"

TO BE CONTINUED...maybe...