Friday, September 12, 2008

"I created a sarchasm"

"You can't sell a tomato for $40!"

AFL Coach: "They say we're supposed to enjoy the week before the grand final. Well I didn't enjoy it."

"A beard doesn't win a football game."

Stats courses are great. It's the only place where you "reject Ho" if your p-value is small.

"Sam's going to pay for sax from a man."

"I have a large P-value" - Lecturer

Student: What's that E thing? (written on board by Teacher)
Teacher: I don't know.

"We can't ever do covers"
=five minutes later=
"OMG we have to do a cover!"

The teacher wrote "reject Ho" on the board (Ho is the null hypothesis). I would've enjoyed watching the next class's reaction to that message.

"Maybe you've discovered the hidden orgasm!"

Monday, September 1, 2008


Naz: It's kinda hard to feel wistful for something that's always existed
Naz: like if the moon disappeared I'd be all "damn the moon was awesome"
Naz: well that's not a good example, I find the moon awesome and appreciate it every night
Naz: maybe the sun
Naz: if the sun disappeared I'd be all "damn I'm gonna die now"
Naz: but as it stands now I'm all "[copulate] you sun I'm cold, way to not shine, but shine enough to cause global warming, and give me headaches"
Hos: I like how the sun going makes you think you're going to die but the moon going just makes you think of what an awesome massive beast the moon was
Hos: apparently you'll survive without consequence
Hos: you'll just miss the moon coz it was awesome
Naz: well, the moon isn't powering all life as we know it, is it
Naz: if the moon wasn't around, things would change
Naz: but it wouldn't be "oh shit we have about 5 minutes before this becomes a ball of ice"