oh jay
"Buzz Aldrin was kicked off of Dancing With The Stars. For some reason, on the moon, he seemed so much lighter on his feet."
I saw that as it happened
it angered me
the joke or the kicking off?
did they literally boot him
"one small step for man, one giant shoe up your ass"
Morgan was wondering what to include on the upcoming mix CD he's making me. "I'm thinking more along the lines of 70s experimental rock, that's up your alley isn't it?"
I agreed.
"It'll probably be less like King Crimson, more like Ace of Base."
Alec remarked "I didn't understand half the words you just said."
Amazing Headlines
Giant pendulum knocks over model
Stoned man fined for abducting koala
Palin dumps rapper from Fox News show
Fatest ever Ferrari to take to the road
Trivia Bob's gimmick for a recent trivia session was playing the first minute or so of a song as the question, the answer being the song and who it was by. They were mostly shit. One of them (number 8) was Losing My Religion. When he did his usual "Tell me which questions you want repeated", we said number 8. Immediately several people in surrounding tables moaned "How could you not know that one? Are you like stupid or something?"
We just really wanted to hear a good song again.
Totally worth it.
"They need to jack off on live TV more" - Hosford on morning show hosts
Brett called Trivia Bob a gnome. I suggested he was more like a troll; "You can only get past if you answer me these questions three...times two."
Hudson, thinking he knew the answer, blurted out "8!"
Jim K: "Who wants a fruit tingle?"
Nazza: "You make my fruit tingle"
"The most fascinating thing about [Al Pacino] is his face" - Brian DePalma
"Who closed this door?"
"I did, it's too cold"
"Put a jacket on!"
"You put a jacket on...your mouth"
I did not put a jacket on my mouth, despite sibling insistence.
Levi snatched my Vanilla Coke from right under my hands and took a swig. "Do you have any transmittable diseases?" I asked before drinking the now soiled-with-Levi bottle. "Yes," he replied. As I was drinking he added, "Chlamydia."
I nearly choked.
H: I'll need formal case in points, and some academic talking about shit
N: "I present to you Exhibit A: Chris Squire. Proof that 80s beards are crimes against humanity."
N: and then the judge stands up and HE HAS AN 80S BEARD
Avatar came up in discussion. RJ pointed out that "that was supposed to be our first proper date and you guys crashed it." She then turned to Scott and asked what they should do for their next date. "Laser tag?"
"Yeah okay," Scott replied, then turned to Jim K and asked "Want to join us?"
RJ facepalm-sighed.
"You know what'd be better than Dharma and Greg?"
"A steaming turd and some grass"
"Dharma and Jeff...rey Dahmer"
Hos: heh 2006 Time Person of the Year
Hos: I forget who it was in 06
Hos: someone shit
Naz: it was YOU
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
"Christian Bale" - Yon
My second movie-day happened two weeks ago. We watched Moon, Goodfellas, and Virtuosity. So two good movies.
The main characters for each were all shown naked at some point. I made note of this.
Goodfellas began with Joe Pesci repeatedly stabbing some guy. Hosford declared "This movie is going to be great."
Some other choice quotes from Hosford:
"ahahahahahahaha sexual assault"
"Now make me a sandwich" *after Ray Liotta slapped his wife*
He also burst out laughing while watching Spongebob. He was the only person to do so.
A scene's diegetic music went quiet as DeNiro started getting intense. Jim Kaston remarked, "I wish I had a stereo with adjustable volume based on the tension in the room."
Fichtner said of Russel Crowe: "He's evolving!" Unfortunately he did not evolve into Pikachu. Fortunately he didn't evolve into Machop either.
The main characters for each were all shown naked at some point. I made note of this.
Goodfellas began with Joe Pesci repeatedly stabbing some guy. Hosford declared "This movie is going to be great."
Some other choice quotes from Hosford:
"ahahahahahahaha sexual assault"
"Now make me a sandwich" *after Ray Liotta slapped his wife*
He also burst out laughing while watching Spongebob. He was the only person to do so.
A scene's diegetic music went quiet as DeNiro started getting intense. Jim Kaston remarked, "I wish I had a stereo with adjustable volume based on the tension in the room."
Fichtner said of Russel Crowe: "He's evolving!" Unfortunately he did not evolve into Pikachu. Fortunately he didn't evolve into Machop either.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Sheen "threatened wife with knife"
Hosford saw Heat on the action movie channel. Then straight after it was Blade Runner. The movie channels played my movie-day exactly!
"Are Kraftwerk Dutch" - Josh Thomas
"He's not an actor" - Hosford on Ben Affleck
"Oops I forgot to put on a condom because I have no brain" - Josh Thomas on Ben Affleck
I read this probably on the internet:
The critical, negative coverage Dubai received from the international press prompted its ruler to to tell critics to "shut up".
Nazza: Hard-rock band AC/DC also has withheld its music from iTunes, saying the group is not interested in selling individual tracks.
Levi said "I watched an episode of Ally McBeal recently." He had a point in saying it, but I didn't notice because I was too busy having a fit of laughter.
Then I had a fit of epilepsy.
Wait that was Ian Curtis, my bad.
Piss on balloons in the jungle:
i know him mainly from judging amop
Flying on a Blue Dream:
judging a mop would be a great show
P.S. I used my "Dead Souls" joke at trivia yesterday. I knew that since Trivia Bob didn't get my Carly Simon joke or my 24 joke, or "Joe Pesci has a funny face", he wouldn't get a joke about Russian literature. He didn't get my back-up joke either ("I need to buy an iPad for my iMenstruation"), which I handed off to Hosford. The reason for this is because Hosford has atrocious handwriting.
"Are Kraftwerk Dutch" - Josh Thomas
"He's not an actor" - Hosford on Ben Affleck
"Oops I forgot to put on a condom because I have no brain" - Josh Thomas on Ben Affleck
I read this probably on the internet:
The critical, negative coverage Dubai received from the international press prompted its ruler to to tell critics to "shut up".
Nazza: Hard-rock band AC/DC also has withheld its music from iTunes, saying the group is not interested in selling individual tracks.
Levi said "I watched an episode of Ally McBeal recently." He had a point in saying it, but I didn't notice because I was too busy having a fit of laughter.
Then I had a fit of epilepsy.
Wait that was Ian Curtis, my bad.
Piss on balloons in the jungle:
i know him mainly from judging amop
Flying on a Blue Dream:
judging a mop would be a great show
P.S. I used my "Dead Souls" joke at trivia yesterday. I knew that since Trivia Bob didn't get my Carly Simon joke or my 24 joke, or "Joe Pesci has a funny face", he wouldn't get a joke about Russian literature. He didn't get my back-up joke either ("I need to buy an iPad for my iMenstruation"), which I handed off to Hosford. The reason for this is because Hosford has atrocious handwriting.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
"David Bowie slept with the queen?!" - RJ
Jim Kaston got a phonecall while hanging with the group. I said suggestively, "Put your shirt on." RJ added, "harder, harder!" We all giggled at our little prank. After the phonecall Jim turned to us and said, "FYI: work phone."
A trivia question was asked, along the lines of: "Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never spoke with his mother or his sister on one. Why?"
The correct answer was, because they were both deaf.
Guy B"everly Hillbilly"evan remarked, "Maybe he should've invented a hearing aid."
Lash of one thousand eyebrows clicking. says:
also i just remembered heh
Flying on a Blue Dream says:
you forgot that the word "heh" existed until now?
and you went "heh" then paused, and went "wait...I used to know that word! omg must tell the internet"
"I GOT ANGRY AT MATT BELLAMY'S FACE AND ENTIRE BODY" - Hosford reviewing the video clip for Undisclosed Desires
Random snippet of some shit from a website I don't remember:
When George W. Bush invited Reid for coffee in the Oval Office in the last weeks of his presidency, Bush’s dog walked in and Reid told the president: “Your dog is fat.”
"Nicole Kidman's face got her fired" - quote from a news article
Another trivia question involved what Donald Duck's middle name was. Brett suggested "Peking".
Yet another question was "What is the largest species of bear". I wrote as my answer "Bearoplane".
"Your two dads are gay"
"Your three mums are gay"
-conversation between two people, one presumably being Levi
I mistyped Google one time as Gogole. Instead of web searches it finds dead souls.
Let's all laugh at stuffy culture warriors. One apparently found an adult Japanese game for the first time, and described it thusly:
Rape is not an option on the menu; rape is the entire point of the game.
Makes me wonder what restaurants he's been going to.
"There's something about poms talking about Michael Jackson that really creeps me out" - Hosford's mother (one of them)
I was watching Entourage because I lacked the self-efficacy to kill myself. Kevin Dillon got an overload of awesome and freaked out because William Fichtner was in the room. Then Dean Cain walked in and he had a heart attack.
Then Jeremy Piven drew a naughty drawing. FOR MALCOLM MCDOWELL.
The Japanese game guy sent 369 complaints to the broadcaster. (He objected to seeing Kevin Dillon's face.)
Finally, to round out this formulaic entry, a vaguely amusing headline:
Man arrested for 'thinking of a cheeseburger'
A trivia question was asked, along the lines of: "Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never spoke with his mother or his sister on one. Why?"
The correct answer was, because they were both deaf.
Guy B"everly Hillbilly"evan remarked, "Maybe he should've invented a hearing aid."
Lash of one thousand eyebrows clicking. says:
also i just remembered heh
Flying on a Blue Dream says:
you forgot that the word "heh" existed until now?
and you went "heh" then paused, and went "wait...I used to know that word! omg must tell the internet"
"I GOT ANGRY AT MATT BELLAMY'S FACE AND ENTIRE BODY" - Hosford reviewing the video clip for Undisclosed Desires
Random snippet of some shit from a website I don't remember:
When George W. Bush invited Reid for coffee in the Oval Office in the last weeks of his presidency, Bush’s dog walked in and Reid told the president: “Your dog is fat.”
"Nicole Kidman's face got her fired" - quote from a news article
Another trivia question involved what Donald Duck's middle name was. Brett suggested "Peking".
Yet another question was "What is the largest species of bear". I wrote as my answer "Bearoplane".
"Your two dads are gay"
"Your three mums are gay"
-conversation between two people, one presumably being Levi
I mistyped Google one time as Gogole. Instead of web searches it finds dead souls.
Let's all laugh at stuffy culture warriors. One apparently found an adult Japanese game for the first time, and described it thusly:
Rape is not an option on the menu; rape is the entire point of the game.
Makes me wonder what restaurants he's been going to.
"There's something about poms talking about Michael Jackson that really creeps me out" - Hosford's mother (one of them)
I was watching Entourage because I lacked the self-efficacy to kill myself. Kevin Dillon got an overload of awesome and freaked out because William Fichtner was in the room. Then Dean Cain walked in and he had a heart attack.
Then Jeremy Piven drew a naughty drawing. FOR MALCOLM MCDOWELL.
The Japanese game guy sent 369 complaints to the broadcaster. (He objected to seeing Kevin Dillon's face.)
Finally, to round out this formulaic entry, a vaguely amusing headline:
Man arrested for 'thinking of a cheeseburger'
Monday, April 19, 2010
"It's evolving into John Travolta!"
I was reading about someone who put LSD in bread in France, and sold it to everyone in the town. Wikipedia described the aftermath:
One man tried to drown himself, screaming that his belly was being eaten by snakes. An 11-year-old tried to strangle his grandmother. Another man shouted: "I am a plane", before jumping out of a second-floor window, breaking his legs.
It's funny because it happened in France.
"Tony Kaye is desperate to be taken seriously as an artist." - some guy on TV
I was watching football and James Maloney scored three times in a row. One commentator asked, "What do you call a hat trick where they score three in a row?"
There was a pause, and the other commentator replied: "A hat trick."
Naz: this morning's episode of The Prisoner was great
Naz: it was like saw but with a woman as the bad guy, and also it had cricket
Ell: brb
Ell: i need to get something at officeworks
Naz: i think we can agree all horror movies would be slightly better if they had cricket
Ell: okay
Naz: what an oxymoron!
Naz: take that microsoft word and excel
Ell: no talk of cricket either
Ell: lol cool
Ell: but no mention of cricket
Naz: why
Naz: did a relative who played cricket get killed by an exploding cricket ball, as happened in the episode?
Naz: actually that'd improve cricket too, every so often one of the balls explodes
Ell: NO
Naz: THEN michael clarke would have something to cry about
One man tried to drown himself, screaming that his belly was being eaten by snakes. An 11-year-old tried to strangle his grandmother. Another man shouted: "I am a plane", before jumping out of a second-floor window, breaking his legs.
It's funny because it happened in France.
"Tony Kaye is desperate to be taken seriously as an artist." - some guy on TV
I was watching football and James Maloney scored three times in a row. One commentator asked, "What do you call a hat trick where they score three in a row?"
There was a pause, and the other commentator replied: "A hat trick."
Naz: this morning's episode of The Prisoner was great
Naz: it was like saw but with a woman as the bad guy, and also it had cricket
Ell: brb
Ell: i need to get something at officeworks
Naz: i think we can agree all horror movies would be slightly better if they had cricket
Ell: okay
Naz: what an oxymoron!
Naz: take that microsoft word and excel
Ell: no talk of cricket either
Ell: lol cool
Ell: but no mention of cricket
Naz: why
Naz: did a relative who played cricket get killed by an exploding cricket ball, as happened in the episode?
Naz: actually that'd improve cricket too, every so often one of the balls explodes
Ell: NO
Naz: THEN michael clarke would have something to cry about
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Future Hiro explains the future
(inspired by this Wikipedia article)

I have no idea what's going on.

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