Nude photographer loses clothes at airport
"It turns out he left his clothes in his Toyota."
US woman pleads to selling kids for bird
"In her defence she said 'I'm just like Tiger Woods!' " *no audience reaction* "You know, 'coz bird can also mean woman."
I slapped pupils in face: Pope's brother
"Just like Tiger Woods' wife slapped him!"
Irish 'plot to kill Swedish cartoonist'
"By driving a Toyota!"
Asteroid to blame for dinosaur extinction
"Tiger Woods!"
Alternately, for a cheap(er) laugh he could've added the insightful commentary of "No duh. *chin waggle*"
"should the article on feces include this picture of a large human turd?" - Wikipedia
Wow. The parents have been away two days, and I've already managed to kill two fish says:
Why the fuck are you up?
Your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick says:
Best sportsnewswoman ever?
"Everton constantly referred to "balls" in tweets about Premier League football games before the Twitter clampdown."
No, the best sportsnewswoman ever is Sarah Jones. OBVIOUSLY you guys.
bryce m. says:
well, you kinda have to
wtf, lol, I just had the randomest flashback
Your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick says:
were you sitting around a table at vietnam playing russian roulette
bryce m. says:
Hargreaves pointed to Little Lion Man's video clip as proof that I could replace Hosford with my feet and a kickdrum. Here is the relevant transcript.
Your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick says:
ahaha i need someone to blame when things go wrong
"no, i didnt write this piece of shit song, it was hosford's"
"uh dude i was there when you wrote it, you showed me it and everything"
*throws hosford at them and runs away*
Wow. The parents have been away two days, and I've already managed to kill two fish says:
I completely understand how Accrylic steel worked now
Dave wrote circles
Your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick says:
he only had one good song in him
unfortunately that song was an unreleased B-side where he played harmonica and insulted sam
I'm going to start live blogging now. Here's the conversation I just had!
Your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick says:
i need a quick joke for the brick say something stupid/funny
In June you must give fascists hell. says:
what a genius cross rhythm
Your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick says:

Your wise men don't know how it feels to be thick as a brick says:
also it was i who insulted sam
see what i did there, i passed it off as daves work
*throws a dave then runs*

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