Friday, May 28, 2010

"I'll smack your face" - James Woods

2:35pm - i saw michael hagan today, right in charlestown
2:37pm - that was my reaction too, dignified silence

Someone mentioned 1999. Hosford quipped "1999...Melbourne's only premiership year"

"What's a Bieber?"
"It's a type of tropical fish"

I saw someone in the credits of a TV show called Jennifer Chew. (That was the name of the person, not the TV show. If there was it'd probably be about a superhero called The Masticator.)

I remarked "How's that for a last name, Chew."

Allison replied "If I had that last name, I'd call my child Pika."

Goran was ranked 18th Hottest Croatian Male Movie Star of All Time (OF ALL TIME) on some list. Hosford announced "there must be some fuckin hot Croatian cinema."

naz: there was an ad on musicmax a few times
naz: it showed the word TIMELESS over madonna, whose music is about as timeless as her hideous face
naz: then it showed UNFORGETTABLE over some footage that even if i had seen before i wouldve forgotten
naz: and finally IMMORTAL over michael jackson

"Tom Selleck!" - Allison

RJ: i like the sentiment of Undisclosed Desires
hosford: yeah i like the sentiment too
hosford: as a male who nevertheless appreciates matt bellamy's attractiveness, the 4 minute sentiment of 'i'm a raging homo' gives me hope

I was doing the sudoku in the newspaper, and it was right underneath the big crossword. So I was browsing the clues, one was "Kurt Cobain's group (7)".

I filled in "dead men".

naz: man the FOABP tour dvd is coming out soon
naz: ill finally be able to experience a steven wilson 5.1 mix and see what its like
hos: heh
hos: you'll foabp over it every night

1 comment:

Hosford said...

Oh man this post a shining orgasmpot of my genius. It's not the first time James Woods has been bested by a fat man.

I have top men looking after him.