Monday, February 23, 2009

"I don't think Japanese rugby union'd be that hard" - Fittler

"Apparently they want to ban kissing on train platforms in London. I mean London wants to. Not just some guys going 'let's make them stop doing that...IN LONDON SMASH' "

"Fuck Youtube. ... Man that would've worked better orally."

"He says he's nice at heart."
"Ugly at face."

Apparently some church sign said "Our church is prayer-conditioned." This caused my sister to laugh uncontrollably.

I watched a Star Wars movie last week. It had Jimmy Smits in it. I laughed controllably.

Hos: I hate sri lanka
Hos: it's one of those word/s that are really annoying to type and I always get wrong
Hos: just like PINK FLOYD
Hos: whoa I got it right
Naz: hehe
Naz: pink floyd
Naz: sri lanka
Naz: you fial

I have a theory. The guy who writes that "Heath Ledger is Not Dead" blog, is in fact, JIMMY SMITS. I mean, HEATH LEDGER. You're probably thinking "Whoa there crazy horse" which is fair but I don't have hooves (Herbert Hoover did) and they're all totally insane in the head so what's one more conspiracy theory going to do?

*gets assassinated*

For an assignment:
"What's an animal people think are cute?"






Sam says:
843 people now know that Sam Smells

"I'm using the name John as a derogatory term"
"Sweet. I'm guessing he's so far beyond normal John, that we could call him...the Deacon John"

Hos: I dropped the iPod cover in my milk
Hos: and it sinks apparently
Hos: so I had to fetch it
Hos: and now I'm getting milk all over the keyboard from my hands
Naz: are you borderline retarded

"It was all 'splash' and I was all 'DUDE WHAT THE [Nathan Casey]!' "

Asphyxiate his own brother!

Hos: doh
Hos: I just hit myself in the face with a lid and got residue on my cheek and chin
Naz: you
Naz: man
Naz: I'm cracking up
Hos: doh it's on my pants
Naz: now you're just telling fibs

"I hope when I go over to your house
and speak in a lisp"

1 comment:

Hosford said...

What a great post. It's so full of me just like that chick the other night. The fact that it's full of massively humiliating me is somewhat of a boner on the whole thing there's nothing as embarrasing as 'you fial'.

I enjoy the use of the Nathan Casey leitmotif. Remember when he had en E shaved into his head.

Andrew Johns should get that haircut.