Thursday, July 31, 2008

"Sam's waited too long for sax."

"Don't pull the...whatever." - Sam, after an attempt to remove his shoelace

"Put 'sex' in the by" - a quote from a Uni teacher

Lecturer: "Sentence completion tests, they're pretty self-explanatory," followed by a detailed explanation.

Business Decision Making = learning when to say "none of your business"


Jenny said...

Hahaha I love Sam.

That is really profound. The business decision making thing.


Chia L'Étranger said...

I liked the self-explanatory subject which requires a long explanation. Classic.


Hosford said...

Who said the business stuff.

Was it LIZSTOJ!?

I know that's the wrong subject but it would just be so watty if it was her.

You should say to her "It's none of your business whether I want to bone you or not and as such I won't find it necessary to tell you how badly I want to bone you."
